How we can help
Phishing attacks are perhaps the most common form of cyber-attacks against systems. It is estimated that 91% of cyber-attacks of any form start with phishing emails. Whilst Microsoft Exchange online is a robust system, the rate change due to the daily threats can lead to vulnerabilities or weak points in configurations.
IdentityCARE can greatly reduce these risks with hardened and up to date configurations with end user awareness training included.
IdentityCARE is comprised of 6 stages.

An initial assessment is performed to discover weakness’s or misconfigurations in the mail system. These will be remediated and aligned to Microsoft’s best practices.

Identify executive and financial personnel for impersonation protection. This group will have specific enhancements offering additional protection from phishing attacks.

End user awareness training reduces the risk of credential theft. Knowing where is safe to put your username and password is key to protecting your organisation.

Multifactor authentication is one of the leading security capabilities introduced by organisations to prevent unauthorised access to corporate data. As work from anywhere is becoming a security standard, ensuring security steps do not hinder productivity is key to a successful experience.

Having the ability to securely change, reset and unlock your account at any time of the day or location if a user has concerns around their password being exposed. This is done using an alternate email address, phone call and or txt message to ensure your identity.

After the initial setup, monthly reviews and remediations are performed to ensure a healthy and secure environment including executive and technical reporting.
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